Today, we passed the factory audit of BSCI . valid for 1 year, plz free to contact our sales team to..
We are quite gald to ammounce a important news here, the factory has just passed Samsonite factory a..
Dear clients, Glad to tell you that we back from C..
As everyone knows, the exchange rate of US dollar has decreased from top point 1:6.96 to 1:6.43 . As..
Pls kindly be noted that we will have our spring f..
As per our client's request, we took a Auchan audit on Oct 21, 2016 in our factory, and glad to know..
We have 6 production lines, around 120 employees in total. which is medium size factory in Quanzhou...
We are standing by to assist you from 8:00am to 6pm (Beijing Time), Monday through Saturday, excludi..